News Feature: Wall Street Journal "Time is zooming by, four ways you can slow it down" (February, 2023)
News Feature: New York Times, "Don't cancel those plans" (January, 2023)
News Feature: Wall Street Journal "Our Sense of Time Is Way Off—Especially Time We Spend on the Internet" (January, 2023)
News Feature: WTOP Washington D.C. “Covid Time Warp: Does it really feel like 2 years” (December, 23, 2021)
News Feature: This Simple Trick Will Help You Be Happier Immediately (August 03, 2021).
News Feature: The Drum “Hey Girls: Seeing Red by Adam&EveDDB” (May, 5, 2021).
The Science behind #Seeing Red - the Hey Girls campaign designed to make you angry
Online Interview: Mindful "You are Not your Moods" (January 19, 2021).
Magazine Interview: UD Magazine "That Blursday Feeling" (December, 1, 2020).
News Media Interview: NBC Global Hangout (September 2, 2020).
TV Interview: DelmarvaLife 5pm News, WBOC-16 (August 26, 2020).
Magazine Interview: Gama "Pandemic Times" (August 22, 2020).
Radio Interview: WDEL Del-AWARE (August 14, 2020).
Newspaper Article: Portland Press Herald "What day is it? Welcome to 'Blursday' (August 9, 2020).
Online Interview: Fatherly “How to Tell if Your Anger Is an Issue” (August 3, 2020).
wNYC (NYC Public Radio) - The Brian Lehrer Show. (May 18, 2020).
WebMD - Today is Blursday: How Lockdown Warps Time. (May 7, 2020).
UA to Study How Emotions Impact Behavior to COVID-19 Pandemic. (March 30, 2020). UA Press Release.
UA researcher studying emotional response to pandemic. (April 6, 2020).
What are you looking forward to? (May 7, 2014). Men's Health.
Photos of alcohol can narrow attention. (February 18, 2014). CBS 42 News at 6:00PM.
Radio Interview: "Capstone News Now" health segment. (February 20, 2014). WVUA 90.7 The Capstone.
TV Interview: "Midday News." (February 5, 2014). ABC 33/40 News at 11:00 AM.
Why time goes faster when we have fun.(August 23, 2012). The British Psychological Society.
Why time flies when you're having fun. (August 24, 2012). Medical News Today.
Time Flies When You're Having Goal-Motivated Fun. (August 21, 2012). Science Daily.
Research now explains the good times. (August 22, 2012). The Times of India.
Fun or not, time flies when you're goal oriented. (August 24, 2012). The Advisory Board Company.
Goal-Motivated Fun Is What Makes Time Fly, Study Says. (August 21, 2012). Medical Daily.
Let’s Find Out Why Time flies Away. (August 22, 2012). Topnews.
Time Flies When You’re Having Goal-Motivated Fun. (August 22, 2012). RedOrbit.
Goal-oriented activity speeds perception of time. (August 22, 2012). Examiner.
Time Flies When We're Getting What We Want. (August 21, 2012). Counsel & Heal.