Wendel, C.J., and Gable, P.A. (in press). The longest year ever: Emotions and time perception interact to predict how frequently individuals engage in COVID-19 avoidance behaviors. Emotion.
Corbett, B.A., White, S.W., Lerner, M.D., Preacher, K.J., Klemencic, M.E., Simmons, G.L., Pilkington, J., Gable, P., Gioia, A., Key, A.P. (in press). Peers, Play, and Performance to Build Social Salience in Autistic Youth: A Multisite Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
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Lacey, M., *Wilhelm, R.A., Gable, P. A. (2021). What is it about positive affect that alters attentional scope?. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 39, 185-189
Paul, K., Pourtois, G., van Steenbergen, H., Gable, P. A., Dreisbach, G. (2021). Finding a balance: Modulatory effects of positive affect on attentional and cognitive control. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 39, 136-141
Lacey, M., Gable, P. A. (2021). Frontal asymmetry in an approach avoidance conflict paradigm. Psychophysiology
Threadgill, A.H., Gable, P.A., (2020) Revenge is sweet: Investigation of the effects of approach‐motivated anger on the RewP in the motivated anger delay (MAD) paradigm. Human Brain Mapping, 41, 5032-5056
Wilhelm, R. A., Threadgill, A. H., Zagdsuren, B., MacDonald, H. V., Richardson, M. T., & Gable, P. A. (2020). Frontal asymmetry: A novel biomarker for phyical activity and sedentary behavior. Psychophysiology, n/a, n/a.
Lacey, M. F., Neal, L. B., & Gable, P. A. (2020). Effortful control of motivation, not withdrawal motivation, relates to greater right frontal asymmetry. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 147, 18-25.
Wilhelm, R. A., Miller, M. W., & Gable, P. A. (2019). Neural and attentional correlates of intrinsic motivation resulting from social performance expectancy. Neuroscience, 416, 137-146.
Threadgill, A. H., & Gable, P. A. (2019). Intertrial variability in emotive reactions to approach-motivated positive pictures predicts attentional narrowing: The role of individual differences. Biological Psychology, 142, 19-28.
Threadgill, A. H., & Gable, P. A. (2019). Negative affect varying in motivational intensity influences scope of memory. Cognition and Emotion, 33(2), 332-345.
Neal, L. B., & Gable, P. A. (2019). Shifts in frontal asymmetry underlying impulsive and controlled decision-making. Biological Psychology, 140, 28-34.
Threadgill, A. H., & Gable, P. A. (2018). The sweetness of successful goal pursuit: Approach-motivated pregoal states enhance the reward positivity during goal pursuit. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 132, 277-286.
Threadgill, A. H., & Gable, P. A. (2018). Resting beta activation and trait motivation: Neurophysiological markers of motivated motor-action preparation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 127, 46-51.
Gable, P. A., Neal, L. B., & Threadgill, A. H. (2018). Regulatory behavior and frontal activity: Considering the role of revised-BIS in relative right frontal asymmetry. Psychophysiology, 55(1), e12910.
Harmon-Jones, E., & Gable, P. A. (2018). On the role of asymmetric frontal cortical activity in approach and withdrawal motivation: An updated review of the evidence. Psychophysiology, 55(1), e12879.
Neal, L. B, & Gable, P. A. (2017). Regulatory control and impulsivity relate to resting frontal activity. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 12(9), 1377-1383.
Jarrett, M. A., Gable, P. A., Rondon, A. T., Neal, L. B., Price, H. F., & Hilton, D. C. (2017). An EEG study of children with and without ADHD symptons: Between-group differences and associations with sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms. Journal of Attentive Disorders. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1087054717723986
Ryerson, N. C., Neal, L. B., & Gable, P. A. (2017). Attentuating the alcohol allure: Attentional broadening reduces rapid motivational response to alcohol pictures. Psychopharmacology, 234(8), 1247-1254.
Gable, P. A., Neal, L. B., & Poole, B. D. (2016). Sadness speeds and disgust drags: Influence of motivational direction on time perception in negative affect. Motivation Science, 2(4), 238-255.
Meadows, C. C., Gable, P. A., Lohse, K. R., & Miller, M. W. (2016). Motivation and motor cortical activity can independently affect motor performance. Neuroscience, 339, 174-179.
Meadows, C. C., Gable, P. A., Lohse, K. R., & Miller, M. W. (2016). The effects of reward magnitude on reward processing: An averaged and single trial event-related potential study. Biological Psychology, 118, 154-160.
Mechin, N., Gable, P. A., & Hicks, J. (2016). Frontal asymmetry and alcohol cue reactivity: Influence of Core Personality Systems. Psychophysiology, 53(8), 1224-1231.
Gable, P. A., Mechin, N. C., & Neal, L. B. (2016). Booze cues and attentional narrowing: Neural correlates of virtual alcohol myopia. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30(3), 377-382.
Threadgill, A. H., & Gable, P. A. (2016). Approach-motivated pregoal states enhance the reward positivity. Psychophysiology, 53(5), 733-738.
Neal, L. B., & Gable, P. A. (2016). Neurophysiological markers of multiple facets of impulsivity. Biological Psychology, 115, 64-68.
Gable, P. A., Threadgill, A. H., & Adams, D. L. (2016). Neural activity underlying motor-action preparation and cognitive narrowing in approach-motivated goal states. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(1), 145-152.
Gable, P. A., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2016). Assessing the Motivational Dimensional Model of emotion-cognition interaction: Comment on Domachowska, Heitmann, Deutsch, et al. (2016). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 67, 57-59.
Gable, P. A., Mechin, N. C., Hicks, J. A., & Adams, D. L. (2015). Supervisory control system and frontal asymmetry: Neurophysiological traits of emotion-based impulsivity. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 10(10), 1310-315.
Gable, P. A., Poole, B. D., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2015). Anger perceptually and conceptually narrows cognitive scope. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(1), 163-174.
Hicks, J. A., Davis, W. E., Fields, S. A., & Gable, P. A. (2015). Heavy drinking, impulsivity and attentional narrowing following alcohol cue exposure. Psychopharmacology, 232(15), 2773-2779.
Gable, P. A., Adams, D. L., & Proudfit, G. (2014). Transient tasks and enduring emotions: The impacts of affective content, task relevance, and picture duration on the sustained late positive potential. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 15(1), 45-54.
Poole, B. D., & Gable, P. A. (2014). Affective motivational direction drives asymmetric frontal hemisphere activation. Experimental Brain Research, 232(7), 2121-2130.
Gable, P. A., & Poole, B. D. (2014). Influence of trait behavioral inhibition and behavioral approach motivation systems on the LPP and frontal asymmetry to anger pictures. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 9(2), 182-190.
Gable, P. A., Poole, B. D., & Cook, M. S. (2013). Asymmetrical hemisphere activation enhances global–local processing. Brain and Cognition, 83(3), 337-341.
Gable, P. A., & Adams, D. L. (2013). Non-affective motivation modulates the sustained LPP (1000-2000 ms). Psychophysiology, 50(12), 1251-1254.
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Harmon-Jones, E., Gable, P. A. & Price, T. (2013). Does negative affect always narrow and positive affect always broaden the mind? Considering the influence of motivational intensity on cognitive scope. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(4), 301-307.
Gable, P. A. & Harmon-Jones, E. (2013). Does arousal per se account for the influence of appetitive stimuli on attentional scope and the late positive potential? Psychophysiology, 50(4), 344-350.
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Hicks, J. A., Friedman, R. S., Gable, P. A., & Davis, W. E. (2012). Interactive effects of approach motivational intensity and alcohol cues on the scope of perceptual attention. Addiction, 107(6), 1074-1080.
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Harmon-Jones, E., Price, T. F., & Gable, P. A. (2012). The influence of affective states on cognitive broadening/narrowing: Considering the importance of motivational intensity. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6(4), 314-327.
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